Human Capital Management

The Challenge

  • The client, a Global Bank with over 250,000 employees, working in over 5000 offices, in more than 70 countries all around the world, needed to upgrade their internal traditional classified advertisements/email/ manual recruitment, onboarding processes in HR department.
  • Each country and in several instance each city within country were using local recruitment agencies who had their proprietary IT systems.
  • The job offer creation, approval and recruitment process used to take on an average 4 months long, and finally onboarding the candidate would take another month.

The Solution

  • RadiumSpark’s HCM experts applied extensive risk management experience together with a team of over 25 Corporate & Regional Directors of Recruiting Asia Pacific, Europe, North America & South America to analyze the distinct global recruiting processes, define new standard global recruiting processes. Design and get approval from Regional Directors of Recruiting.
  • Created standard job requirement creation & approval process, candidate sourcing, interviewing, selection, offer management, negotiation, background checks & assessments and onboarding processes. Collaborated with each and every country to redesign the existing heterogeneous workflows to onboard them to a Secured Cloud based (SaaS) solution, which enabled single-sign-on & role based provisioning across the globe.
  • Collaborated with the customers IT Department and Software Development Teams to configure and deploy the solution well integrated with existing Human Resource Management System and ERP System with Active Directory integration. RadiumSpark’s HCM experts planned systematic conversion and migration from all existing heterogeneous recruiting systems worldwide to this Secured Cloud based (SaaS) solution. This was a major undertaking for this large corporation. The solution helped simplify the recruitment and onboarding process for each and every country.
  • RadiumSpark’s HCM experts paved way to enable the Corporate Department to additionally manage eLearning initiative for employees’ vendors, contractors across the globe.

The Result

  • The newly implemented system improved time between Job Requirement creation to making a newly hired employee fully on-boarded by 400% thereby further improving the efficiency of the organization.
  • Customer got all of it implemented with every department’s requisite workflow built into the new eco-system, without having to worry about to know the underlying software integration, configuration between all the internal IT, ERP, messaging systems in customer side and Secured Cloud based (SaaS) solution provider side.